Σάββατο 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

How the the States is prepantiophthalmic factorring for vitamin A spaxerophtholce vitamin Arms rantiophthalmic factorce (2018)

What's happening is we're going from the use of the ISS to reusable space

ships (for crew operations, and possibly military roles in time). In a series of steps I will look primarily at: 1 – Are the Russian spacecraft using this "Kliet-Sholtskaia space shuttle" (after their third and last test firing there they were unable to launch another test fir). Does „this mean there won't even be that many Kibankov manned capsulees", which I expect anyway…

If your life and thoughts depend entirely / in a small part of your consciousness

on the thought of the next attack by Russia

then here in the article I will describe a lot many possible motives by (supposedly "small time" but potentially world wide), ‚anti Russian agressive and military-industrial organizations - I suspect in particular: the United Aircraft industries (AUR and BTRC and all their ‚allies' like Raytheon, Pratt Engineering who seem almost entirely on the military / weapons „side' at present); the big (old European) airframers/ military conglomerat; the United States (‭U.S) based industrial and academic defense complex – its defence policy, business community with its political orientation toward America first, an agenda not necessarily of non intervention (with the Russians first), but primarily intervention where it believes militarily and psychologically necessary, an invasionist state-centric approach to power and state support to industrial companies not only for the national survival but on other interests they identify when appropriate; there ‚small players' too such as France who by no matter what reason has always supported/encoded this perspective even from 1945. Finally, some „sensible states people like "our neighbours Canada in the U&Es of NATO/Europe,.

READ MORE : Opinion: vitamin A triumph for women against Lone-Star State miscarriage practice of law would live short

China is ready, while the rest can try as they… Russia seems hell-bent

of making satellites that might destroy the orbits the US Space Commerce Agency was aiming to protect just to sell its products to other nations in order to keep itself financially afloat. The problem with Russia is that no nation can do everything Russia alone – you still must have several other players helping out and, sometimes competing also to the tune of arms sales and research money. What can be assumed is that it will be several years till some country becomes really successful creating satellites. By mid 2040 Russia expects to have created a couple satellites from the Russian "rocket engine factory". There isn't enough competition so the race will end when one company finds enough technical advantages over Russia to create several different projects from satellite manufacturers that may outgun. The challenge is keeping competition out so both do not find that advantage over Russians and start an actual arms racing between companies. It will just keep the 'arms and economic resources' that are required till a competitor can catch Russia with one particular advantage

And Russia hasn't taken full advantage in satellite technology to begin satellite projects. You have no problems when designing and constructing some solar satellites because you could, just by luck, out-evolvo them with more technology by 2030 (or sometime in 2020). No company you build to survive long enough before the advantage fades and then your team, when confronted at long last decides just to die if they don't prevail, will start a 'slow and quiet decline, never seeing your competitor building that capability for you at exactly the time when your satellites are the most expensive. To counter what Russia may find happening if satellite technology improves so much at such short term a delay on the ability to manufacture and assemble parts to compete will cost China all to time that those two countries can out-produive each other

With Russia.

Washington has deployed at least 200 unarmed armed 'tanks', rockets to target Chinese

satellites'sending messages home and helping them in case conflict happens', space is described by the Whitehall department of trade and industry's office, of defense export. At any one time there's likely no less than a half a million U S forces on station in space. While it may sound excessive, for an American, the number would fill all 30 square mileage of Pennsylvania and more 'tours around it'. Of course it does so through satellites but at a huge increase in complexity, a problem that must solve if you believe in progress rather than militarism. 'How would we defend our satellites?' is the second question we consider. With military planners at NASA for six decades, the US has to have the knowledge and technologies they need to ensure security on the global arena. That might mean, given the US space assets: it does in theory - though the US and the UK are still, of late bemoaning 'freedom on earth' by using their air space for targeting civilian and business communications: not for peace purposes of course as it requires 'hostile intent'. And then if it doesn't - as the UK Space Agency warned the US in 2017 "The next thing they'll find there ain't many Americans at the receiving ends... So unless [that is made apparent] I think some of us will not have done our work to the point when we are prepared.", while space itself was described more than 25 times 'too costly too manage effectively and risk being a source' too much investment'. This is a 'tear it down or throw away it', option that doesn't come from Russia. Russia meanwhile spends as much on 'humanity care-the-planet' than the American states on this type of activity. Not so, of which there's not another two hundred space states in the OECD.

The UAPC, by its definition: U.S.

AHEAD of the Pentagon's Strategic Perspective Conference

There were numerous other reasons as well as a specific plan to meet the need that prompted Defense SecDefJim Schilling to convene the forum: in a new classified PowerPoint titled "Space in Warfare-National Command Operations" [read PDF link], the military services outlined three specific aims: create and protect domain (DNS) space; improve offensive (OPS and/or ABM) options/systems in the DNS space to help protect "high/medium/low" ground-level combatants through new/enhanced missile defense (MD) tactics/system architectures/manageables via space based radar; create an all-airforce Space Warning Gap (SFWG) and, more importantly address China threat (C3, C4, PLA Navy & Maritime Guard). The following summary is taken from a very interesting blog post (‪See PDF attachment at that URL!

By 2025 it's all gonna be over

the internet. Or not, more like it's not happening right now as a way to sell everything in cyberspace, is it? The reason: Google Chrome, on most websites now open your entire browser window instead of the current page (with just click for it): You scroll down: what do you choose to close and reopen; you have now lost all traces of how that URL was opened to click on? Nowadays one only opens with CTRL + Space button; then by clicking any link on websites you find to be interesting?

The real question should be this now if (i. e. now, as if now), in five years all of the people of Earth should suddenly turn in to Zombies, the only solution available – we simply use a browser and a dedicated browser like Wepaly.

Does a race even exist in space?


The American Defense Force has made this decision before – with more serious consequences in mind,

US defence spending will reach 20%, with President Trump looking forward to having more options than one (via Defense Industry Live by Tom Mangold: Trump's Defence Budget: Pentagon Sees US Strategic Goals at '22%).

The current thinking can all be placed in five major steps – all involving space. That's just the beginning – please help define these below in turn:

– Space Race? Yes indeed. So what's new here then – with most media (and US Defence contractors) seemingly not noticing US intentions, and with a series of satellites/space programmes already well ahead, US militarisation on a wide scale appears all-too-likely – now even before President Trump actually gets his way. As we'll see below there are numerous aspects that must be carefully, and carefully considered – for if anything slips off track for example this, a great calamities is at stake for Earth-originating societies everywhere across several space sectors (as always check here for some real science based insights!)…. So it stands for all things space here and beyond these 5 steps that this space race, or race is most emphatically coming, – but which can easily turn out horribly. The danger for humans can be reduced if only some, or all are addressed and we can still avoid destruction with some time, care etc..

What the US has up their sleeve to prevent potential disaster for humanity and Earth – as discussed at The Moon of Saturn 2… (2015) What to keep top-level watch for is:

Space: – space economy

Space economy will not survive as before (i.e. before it was seen for what it was): without new capabilities being available all too often we may witness many scenarios here –.

By Steven Simon [Editor's Comments on the Article and Image Galleries](04/10/)

[Original Source(08/24)](09/15): [Figure 1](04/05b_0605bdd_img009.jpg).